Wednesday, October 30, 2019

International Finance and Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International Finance and Law - Assignment Example A close analysis of these two descriptions of the same product provides two different products. In the first document, it is evident that the traders are dealing with steel ingots, while in the second document; we cannot deduce which products the traders are dealing with. The only thing we are sure of, as a bank is that they are dealing with ingots. I would not honor the Letter of Credit, and as such, would not make any subsequent payments towards the document. This is because the document speaks of a product that is completely different from the one in the contract of sale. Consequently, the bank would be liable for honoring a Letter of Credit that has such form of discrepancies, and as such, would be liable to pay any amount of liability caused by the damages incurred from this contract. Furthermore, it would be difficult for the bank to trace the money paid out to SS, if at a future date the traders realized the discrepancies in the two contracts and demand to stop the contract, especially if at all he is a fraudulent person. Honoring the contract also gives him legal rights to decline liability to the contract, and he may choose not to send the products at all, or send a different product, ingots instead of 51 steel ingots to the buyer (Bamford, 2011) By refusing to honor this Letter of Credit, I would have to ask both parties to the contract to review the details of their contract. I would demand that they make changes to the contract and rectify the discrepancies before the bank can release any payment upon the order made. For instance, I would send a letter to MM advising him of the difference in description of the goods between the Contract of sale and the Letter of Credit. This means that the goods that the letter of credi demands payment upon are not the same ones discussed in the contract of sale. Therefore, he needs to clarify which goods he is paying for, and what is the acceptable market price of these goods. It might also

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Hrm With Strategic Goals And Objectives Commerce Essay

Hrm With Strategic Goals And Objectives Commerce Essay The latest emphasis among academics and practitioners on public or people management systems as a source competitive advantage has focused greater than ever on the science and practice of Human Resource Management. While academics have made a number of significant contributions to these development by means of research, Steve Kerr of General Electric has had an argument that the great number of the best work is being done by consultans and professionals in the field (Hodgetts, 1996). Actually, one could make a persuasive case that the practice of HRM has outpaced the academic work on this particullar topic. However, data on how organisations in fact manage people to provide a source of competitive advantage are insufficient. Studies that compare and distinguishes human capital management system in leading organisations are even more difficult to find. In fact, while the empirical literature linking between HRM with strategic goals and objectives of the organisations performance has c onstantly found than more effective HRM is associated with greater financial performance (Becker Huselid, 1998), what is missing is clearer understanding of how these processes work, and subsequently how organisations could actually manage their staff to help provide a basis of competitive advantages. The purpose of this essay is to examine how linking of HRM with strategic goals by any organisation would improve business performance and develop organizational cultures that foster innovation and flexibility. That is why I have considered three main points, ( heading, contents page) because of in my opinion they are the ones which will broaden the concept of this essay. I will first examine the importance of HRM to strategy as well as SHRM and its objectives. In the second part, I will look at the skills of manager which would help to improve business performance and develop or increase organisations culture. Finally, I am going to demonstrate case studies of different types of organisations which has integrated strategy of HRM. 1. Importance of HRM to strategy Human resource management has become more important to the management in general, mainly as a result of its role in providing competitive advantage, the run to competitiveness, and an awareness of the demands of the technologically advanced environment of the future. According to the findings of Strategist Michael Porter human resource management is a key to obtaining competitive advantage (Michael E. Porter, 1998). In a growing number of organizations, human resources are now seen as a source of competitive advantage. There is greater recognition that distinctive competencies are acquired through highly developed employee skills, unique organizational cultures, management processes, and systems. Increasingly, it is recognized that competitive advantage can be achieved with a high-quality employees, which enables organizations to compete on the basis of market responsiveness, product and service quality, differentiated products, and technological innovation instead of relying on low costs. An example of human resources a competitive advantage is said by John Deeres efforts to automate its factories. The pursuit of exceptional talent and experience in industrial automation, the company established a technology division ( Dyer, 1983 p.257) Another example is provided by ARCOs increased importance on human resource management issues in its executive development program (ARCO, 1986) . Examples like these points out the broader responsibilities and importance of todays more strategically oriented human resource management. Apart from its role in providing competitive advantage through a quality workforce, the needs of control labor costs also has increased the role of human resource management. As an outcome of strong pressure to control labor and other costs, managers have become more aware of the effects of inefficient use of human resources. Administrators need look no further than the underutilized workers, lack of confidence, resistance to change, the work of a ntagonistic relationship management, motivation problems, and restrictive labor practices to find the causes of low productivity. The resources allocated towards better use of human resources can become more profitable than investment in plant and equipment. Because of the potential cost efficiencies, improved human resource management can play a key role in competitive strategy and organizational development competencies. Economic turmoil also has increased the importance of the strategic role of the human resource management. Turbulence, globalization, technology, radically changing demographics, and differences in the values of the labor force have created uncertainty in the environment almost without precedent. Strategic management of human resources and the thread of human resource planning are increasingly being seen as a means of buffering environmental uncertainty. Not surprisingly, management of human resources is increasingly integrated in the formulation of strategy and p lanning process. As managing human resources becomes a more important component of competitive strategy of a company, general management has an incentive to ensure alignment and consistency between strategy and human resource practices and policies. The challenge of adaptation first comes to finding the answer to the question: What kind of people who will necessary to lead the organization in the coming years? (Miller, 1986, p12). The expectation is that people and practices that are aligned with the future strategic needs, produces superior organizational performance. While there is evidence on this point, some recent empirical studies have found higher returns to be related to the integrated and strategic human resources. He has been the recognition of the contributions of human resource management to the companys success in international efforts. This success is more likely when the international participation is rewarded and international business training is provided. Also mor e likely when selection criteria include management and promotion of international experience. However, before such contributions can be made, a coherent strategy for human resources must be developed and linked to the overall strategy organization. 1.1. SHRM and its objectives. The concept of strategic human resources management has become a widely used in management literature. In overall, the goal of the strategic human resources management is the effective implementation of those resources to meet the strategic needs of organizations and objectives. In defining the term, doctors tend to emphasize its implementation role, (Schuller, 1992, p 18-32) according to the following definitions: How the company strategy implemented effectively making everyone from the top of human organization in the background doing things that make successful business. (Ibid, p 18). A broader academic definition of the strategic human resources management, says the following: strategic human resources management is largely about how to integrate and adapt. SHRMs concern is to ensure that: a) human resources (HR) management is fully integrated with the strategy and the strategic goals and objectives of the company, b) HR practices are adjusted, accepted and used by managers and employees as part of their daily lives work (IBId). Patrick Wright and Gary McMahan have offered a similar definition of strategic human resources management (Wright, Patrick M. 1992 p 295). They defined SHRM as the pattern of a planned human resource operations and activities intended to enable an organization to achieve its objectives. Given these definitions of strategic human resources management, a general theoretical framework can now be used to organize knowledge of how human resource practices are affected by strategic considerations. Strategic human resources can make contributions to the strategy and strategic planning to set goals of organisation in a different ways. Systems such as performance appraisal, staffing, training, and compensation allowing managers to implement the organizations strategic plan. The human resources planning also links strategic management and business planning with these systems. The great number of models of strategic human resources management vision function of having an enforcement role, and has been less common to find companies that use unique human resources capabilities as a leading entry in the strategy formulation. However, more companies are turning to human resources management in the process of formulating the strategy . As an instance for it could be Arthur Andersens unique capabilities of human resource training. The accounting companys Saint Charles, Illinois, training centre, which resembles a campus of college, provides it with competitive advantage (Porter E. Michael 1998). Thousands of employees of Arthur Andersen are given uniforms training of the companys own highly regarded instructional labour at this service each year. Due to its facilities and at home instructors, the company can react quickly to the changing demands of its customers. Objectives of Human Resource Management. The objectives are pre-determined strategic goals to which person or group activity in an organization is concentrated. The institutions are established to achieve certain specific objectives. The objectives of the any industry are mostly to earn profit as much as possible while educational institutions are mostly to provide education or research etc. However, the main and the fundamental purpose of any organization is survival. Organizations are not just satisfied with this goal. Moreover the goal of most organizations is the growth or profits. Institutions to acquire and manage various resources including human for achieving the objectives. Thus, human resource management is used to divert and use its resources to achieve the objectives of the organization. So basically, the goals of human resource management derive from and contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the organization. The other objectives of human resource management are to meet the needs, aspirations, values and dignity of employees and with due concern for socio-economic problems of the community and country. The objectives of human resource management can be as following: To create and use a workforce capable and motivated to achieve the basic organization goals. To establish and maintain solid organizational structure and desirable working relationships among all the members of the organization. To ensure coordination and integration of groups within the organization by co-ordination of the individual and group goals with the employees of the organization. To create facilities and opportunities for individual and group development to coincide with the growth of the organization. To achieve efficient utilization of human resources in achieving the objectives of the organization. To identify and meet individual and group needs to provide adequate and equitable wages, employee benefits and social security To measure for challenging work, prestige, recognition, security, status. To maintain the high morale of employees and good human relations by maintaining and improving the various conditions and other facilities. To strengthen and assess human capital through continuous training and development programs. To examine and contribute to minimizing the social and economic problems such as unemployment, underemployment, inequitable income distribution and wealth to improve the welfare of society by providing employment opportunities to women and disadvantaged sectors of society . To provide fair, acceptable and effective leadership . To provide facilities and working conditions and the creation of enabling environment to maintain employment stability Management has to create a conducive environment and provide necessary conditions for achieving the objectives of personnel management after formulation. (Source from ) 2. Skills which manager should acquire in order to achieve strategic goals in the organisation. The human resources function sometimes does not play an important role in the process of formulating the strategy of the organization because of the inadequacies of human resources planning executives (Burack, Elmer H, 1985 p133). However, planning difficulties are not unique to these executives . In fact, the managers of all functional areas have problems with strategic planning. It is well known that managers are action-oriented, often prefer the action of the decision -making or problem- solving interactions. On the contrary, part of the planning process is conducted in isolation. There is a lack of information or knowledge of results for long periods of time. Also, It is hard to justify the time needed for planning in relation to more immediate problems that press for solutions. Thus, despite its value, many managers do not like to plan. Further, these general planning issues, there are more problems with strategic planning because it often leads to restructuring of resources tha t determine the power and status. Effects of the desire to maintain the status quo, through resistance to change is obvious symptoms such as excessive defence of the allocation of existing resources, the accumulation of the information and excessive control of the planning process by manipulating programs. Other causes of problems in the strategic planning process is the mismatch between planning tasks and competence of managers skills. Strategic planning requires considering in terms of the organization as a whole and the relationships between the organization and the many factors that affect their environment. One of the most important abilities in SHRM is to see objects at the macro level rather than processing bits of information to find solutions to problems at the micro level. One symptom of this imbalance is a propensity to fall on operational issues and the inability to complete tasks. A final problem is the lack of senior executive commitment to the strategic planning proce ss. The symptoms of this problem include attempts by managers to read between the lines to find out the real opinion of top management in the importance of the process. Human resources executives often lack the skills to play an important role in strategic planning processes of the company. Requirements for those who can operate in the strategic human resources management is beyond the requirements of functional competence. Research for the role characteristics reveals that following professional qualifications needs to be considered in the managers involvement : 1) Management information skills such as statistics, analysis, and research. 2) Planning skills, knowledge of planning and planning methodologies and statistical techniques.3) Knowledge management skills in different business functions and environmental analysis.4) Integration skills- competition in the management of organizational interfaces and skill in assessing the organization and as setting priorities. 5) Change management skills- the ability to anticipate the future, facilitate change, and organizational development activities (Baird, p 126-27). Besides the selection of human resources executives on the basis of these qualifications, the weaknesses with the current staff can be overcome, even if there are imbalances of cognitive skills. For example, planners of linking compensation with the skills and the use of planning teams can minimize the effect of individual cognitive deficits. Planning tasks can also be divided into phases, some of which may be made by those whose cognitive abilities are not well adapted to the strategy formulation. For instance, greater responsibilities for data collection can be assigned to those whose strengths are not consistent with strategic thinking (Lenz, Managing SHRM, (1986): p 57-66 ). 3. The linkage of HRM with integration of strategic goals and objectives in the different types of organisations (Cases). Integrating Strategy and Human Resources Management in the organisations. Experiences from several organizations are good examples of the integration of strategic goals with human resource management. One of the such examples is provided by the experience of Peoples Bank , a financial services company headquartered in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Massive changes began to take place in the business environment of banking with deregulation and lowering of interest ceilings. Money markets started draining the funds normally was in banks deposits, forcing them to resort to more expensive sources of funds. In addition, money centre banks began competing in the same market environment as regional banks. Peoples, which was a small regional bank, responded changing its strategy from a product orientation to one directed toward markets . With a product orientation, the products are developed and then looks for markets that sell the product. By contrast, a market orientation implies an opposite approach, where market demand are identified and then product developed to s erve the market. As a result of these changes, Peoples became a diversified financial services company with 139 branches and fully integrated banking services and stock trading presence on the Internet (Peoples Bank, Coleman M. Sharon, 2000 ). Due to major changes in the Peoples strategy, there was a recognition that new organizational structures would be needed to adapt to changes. The organization was decentralized, remove hierarchical levels formed strategic business units, and new senior vice presidencies created within a matrix structure. The bank undertook a study of the types of employees that would be required with the ability of the new strategy and the needs of the organization. The main changes took place as a result of the audit. For example, the performance appraisal system was revised. The revised system emphasizes setting goals, the achievement of individual goals by linking with HRM, and the rewards by means of achievement of the objectives of the bank, and places gr eater emphasis on performance appraisal, marketing and sales. In addition, human resource planning was more fully integrated with the strategic planning process through the synchronization of scanning processes with the banks general environmental scanning process (HRM Planning, Lesher, 1986, p 39-44). The experiences in integration of strategy and human resource management of the U.S. Navy could be another example. As a result of linking strategic planning with human resource management, the Navy was able to follow a proactive strategy that provides lower costs of labor. In this case, Navys human resources planners analyzed the labor cost savings of a strategy for their civilian employees that would replace the local wage policy with national wage policies. Through the development of human resource predictions to determine labor market reactions to these changes, planners could determine whether sufficient labor supply would be available with savings of cost strategy. In this particular example, the strategic planners of Navy also considered the impact of the reduction in private sector middle management positions and found that higher quality employees could be hired. (Atwater, et al. , 1988, p 119-36) Ingersoll-Rands experience with one of its divisions also provide a good example of the results of a strong linkage between strategy of this organisation and human resource management. Ingersoll-Rands rock drilling division was experiencing rapid growth and there was a shortages of manpower. It was also necessary to train their employees to work with new technologies and wanted to control the costs of labor. The result of the integration of human resource capabilities with its strategic planning process was that the company implemented a series of programs which also included profit sharing and participation of employee as a team in every aspects. It also had employees participate in decisions about purchasing new technology and a significant commitment to technological training. (McManis, Gerald, 1988) To conclude with this last example about the integration of strategy and human resources in Maid Bess, which specialises in manufacturing uniforms. The company faces intense competition from foreign manufacturers, and controlling of labor expenses became critical. Due to the intensity of labor, the company closely integrated human resources management with the strategic planning process in order to reduce labor cost. As a result of the integrated strategic planning process, executive vice president of the company designed a compensation program that includes bonuses that increased productivity, increases in the salaries of employees and reduce turnover. (Charles R. Greer, SHRM, 2001, p 278) Conclusion In a recent years more organizations are recognizing that human resources are a source of competitive advantage. This recognition, side by side with increasing environmental uncertainty, increased pressure to control costs and increased government regulation, have elevated the strategic role of human resource management. As a result, there is increasing involvement of HRM in strategy formulation. When human resources are the source of an organizations competitive advantage, HRM plays a critical role in providing up front to enter the corporate level, the strategic planning process in order to achieve its objectives. Human resource planning is of the important linkage with the strategy of the organization by providing input on the availability of critical manpower and by adding timing process to cope with the shortage and surpluses of employees. Other strategic inputs of SHRM functions include environmental scanning and competitive intelligence. The next level of strategy formulation, SHRM help align personnel practices, policies and programs with the strategy so that desired roles of employee and their actions will support different strategies such as innovation, quality, enhancement, cooperation, effectiveness of work, ability to performance, desire to work, cost reduction etc. A typology of activities shows how human resource activities vary in their contributions to a strategically implementation. Despite recent developments, in most companies, there is still need for greater integration of human resource planning with the formulation of organizations strategy. Factors which influencing the level of integration of the include industry differences, changes in economic activity, technological changes and demographic changes. I have provided several examples of integration of strategy in organisations and its linkage with Human Resources, and also the barriers that often have limited integration in the past. To conclude with, My personal view is that human resource managers should develop the personal skills that necessary to contribute to the process of strategy formulation.

Friday, October 25, 2019

John Smith in Jamestown Essay -- John Smith Jamestown Essays

John Smith in Jamestown The leadership strengths and weaknesses of John Smith evoked a profound effect on the Jamestown colony. The fact that Smith actually arrived in the colony as a common prisoner and was able to achieve the leadership role that he gained is amazing. His creativity and knowledge in certain areas actually saved the colonists from attack and starvation in the early days. Some of the rules he enforced as a leader were actually instrumental in saving the colony. His skill in dealing with the natives allowed him to gain their support and continue trade that resulted in the survival of the colony. Christopher Newport, the admiral that transported John Smith and many of the colonists from England, left the Jamestown colony in the fall of 1607. Immediately all work in the settlement ceased to exist. The colonists had decided to wait on Newport to return with new workers. The plan was for the natives to provide food for them while they waited. When the natives never came with food, Ratcliffe, the current president of the colony, ordered John Smith to visit the neighboring natives and trade tools and metals for corn. The natives had noticed how the English were unable to feed themselves by planting their own crops. The natives refused to trade more than a few handfuls of corn and bread for the hatchets and iron that were offered. Smith realized the reason why the Kecoughtans were not trading more than just those small amounts and created a way to solve the problem. To prove to the natives that the English were not poor, Smith gave free beads and trinkets to the children. This was to show the Kecoughtans that the English were economically strong and possessed more valuable items. Smith used the mentality of â€Å"weakness in appearance†¦was weakness in reality† (Price 57) to justify his travels from village to village, collecting a large of amount of corn, bread, and other foods for the Jamestown colonists. Smith thought the natives would trade more food if they did not realize what a small amount of food stores that the English had actually acquired. If the natives had known what large quantities of food Smith had actually traded for, they would have realized how desperate the state of the colonists. Smith performed his trading sessions this way â€Å"’least they should perceive my too great want.’† (Price 57) In this manner, John Smith saved the ent... ...into believing the English had enough stores of food actually help protect the colonists from attack. It also allowed Smith and the colonists to continue to bring back enough food and supplies to last the settlement through the first winter. By the second winter, John Smith had taken the position of President of the settlement. This put him in a position of power where he could invoke some rules among the colonists. Invoking the â€Å"he that will not work shall not eat† rule was a key factor in surviving this winter. During the same season the food supply again became dangerously low. Rats had again infested the main food supply. John cleverly divided the colonists into three groups. Despite the risk of having the settlement devastated by the division, Smith pulled it off and saved the colonists again. John Smith remained committed to the interests of the common man throughout his efforts in Jamestown. This character trait and well as his impulsiveness and temper outburst s weakened him in the eyes of the Virginia Company. Unfortunately, this shortened his time as a leader for the settlers. Despite his flaws, John Smith was a critical player in the success of the Jamestown settlement.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Joys of Being Pregnant

On August 9, 2010, life as I knew it changed forever. It was a normal summer day at home, much like any other Monday that summer. Everything on the outside appeared to be the same as usual, but on the inside, I knew there was a change. I was two weeks pregnant and I wouldn’t know it until about 5:30 that night. It was a very emotional discovery, finding that I would become a mother in a little less than nine short months. Not only did that discovery change my life, but it also changed the lives of many others who love and care about me. My mother, 33, would become a young grandmother and my step dad, 26, would become an even younger grandfather. My boyfriend of three years would have to throw away his childhood and become a man for his son or daughter. I was scared to death that the shock and severity of my situation would destroy any chance of gaining the support of them, but all three, along with the rest of my family, kept loving me and began to love the new life growing inside of me. I am now eleven weeks pregnant and I have had the privilege of actually seeing my baby via ultrasound. He or she was almost a centimeter long on the first of September and resembled a peanut or a lima bean. Seeing the baby’s heartbeat flashing like a tiny strobe light hit me like a ton of bricks. The â€Å"embryo† that I had heard of in books and diagrams was now a child to me; a living, growing baby who was developing arms and legs and eyes. A baby that may grow up to have my dimples or my boyfriend’s blue eyes. He or she would call me â€Å"mommy† and love me unconditionally. And I would love him or her right back, as strong and as hard as I could. I keep the pictures from the sonogram on the refrigerator, but my favorite one is in a little white frame in my bedroom. I look at it often and I wonder how much the baby has changed since that picture was taken. My next appointment is the 29th, and I am so anxious to be able to see how much this life inside of me has grown and be able to take home more pictures that I will treasure as much as the first one.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Issues in Psychological Testing

Issues in Psychological Testing PSY/475 October 24, 2011 Issues in Psychological Testing What are at least two ethical issues associated with psychological testing? What impact do these issues have on the field of psychological testing? Informed consent involves the process by which a psychologist gain an individual’s voluntary consent prior to the administration of an assessment or test. As stated by Hogan (2007), â€Å"The psychologist is responsible for informing the person about the nature and purpose of the assessment† (p. 91). When providing this information it is imperative that the psychologist do so in a manner that is understandable to the examinee, it needs to be communicated on his or her level. If the patient or examinee is under the legal age of consent or in unable to authorize consent for another reason; parents, a legal guardian, or appropriate substitute must then provide consent. It is important that the psychologist convey that consent can be withdra wn at any time during the assessment process (Hogan, 2007). Exceptions to this rule exist including assessments mandated by the court or other government regulation in which case the psychologist need only explain the nature and purpose of the test as well as any limitations to the rule of confidentiality (American Psychological Association,  n. d. ). Implied consent is another exception and applies to assessments administered during the job application process and â€Å"institutional testing programs† such as school assessments (Hogan, 2007, p. 591). Test security is another ethical issue related to psychological testing. The administrator for a test must ensure that materials and scored results are kept in a secure location and not easily accessed by unauthorized persons. Care should be taken to refrain from revealing the content of a test (test items) publicly through media outlets or even casual conversations. Both of these issues are significant to the process of psychological testing. Informed consent is necessary to provide anyone volunteering to take an assessment or test the opportunity to fully consider what personal information will be revealed as well as any ramifications that may result in doing so. Participants must be afforded the chance to make this determination without the undue influence of others. Most tests require the cooperation of participants if they are expected to yield true and accurate results with any degree of reliability. Additionally, test security is significantly important as well to ensure that individuals who participate in an assessment do not have prior knowledge or exposure to the questions asked. Psychological tests are more reliable when the examinee has not had time to prepare or rehearse the answers they will provide. If the contents of assessments given to prospective employees are revealed to the public, individuals who have seen them may have a significant and unfair advantage over those who have not. What are at least two legal issues associated with psychological testing? How do these issues affect the field of psychological testing? The equal protection clause, found under Section one of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution is important to psychological testing. This clause provides that all individuals shall be afforded protection under the same laws as everyone else regardless of class, race, gender, etc. According to Hogan (2007), â€Å"If a test (or anything else) operates to arbitrarily restrict the rights (including opportunities) of some individuals (citizens), then the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment becomes relevant† (p. 600). The relevance of this clause as it relates to psychological testing is that no test or measurement should be used for the purpose of identifying an individual as a specific race, gender, class, sexual orientation, religion, culture, or age. If such tests are used for the purpose of discrimination it will yield untrue or skewed results because people will not feel secure enough to disclose any personal information that could lead to them being rejected on the basis of any of these factors. The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (or FERPA) of 1974 is another important legal issue that relates to psychological testing. FERPA guarantees that individuals, parents, or legal guardians have a right to openly access to any information about themselves, or children in the case of parents and guardians. Additionally, they can â€Å"†¦challenge the validity of information in agency files, and that unwarranted other parties do not have access to personal information† (Hogan, 2007, p. 604). With regard to testing this means that there should be access to assessment and test scores and that the release and availability of these scores is limited to specific persons unless consent has otherwise been provided. Which court case do you feel has had the largest impact on the field of psychological testing? Why? I believe the class action lawsuit Soroka v. Dayton Hudson Corporation filed in 1989 impacted the use of psychological testing in the pre-employment screening process. The lawsuit claimed that portions of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the California Psychological Inventory, which security applicant were required to take during the application process violated the â€Å"†¦privacy provisions of the California Constitution and certain anti-discrimination laws† (American Psychological Association, n. d. , Issue). The complainant contended that the required inventories contained questions that were invasive, probative, and had no significant job relevance. According to Saterfiel and Associates  (2003), the true or false questions included statements such as – â€Å"I believe my sins are unpardonable† – â€Å"I am attracted to members of my own sex† – â€Å"My sex live is satisfactory† – â€Å"I have never been in trouble because of my sexual behavior† and – â€Å"I feel sure there is only one true religion† (Saroka v. Dayton Hudson). Target used these inventories to help identify emotional characteristics that deemed to be problematic in security personnel. Target claimed to have no knowledge of the responses provided by prospective employees stating that â€Å"The tests were administered with answer sheets which were then placed in sealed envelopes and sent to the consultants for scoring and interpretation† (American Psychological Association, n. d. , Facts). Target further asserted that they received only reports from their consultants and never saw any candidate’s responses to the inventories questions. It was determined by the Superior Court that the complainants failed to establish that employment was denied based on religion, sexual orientation, or sexual traits. Upon appeal this decision was reversed and Target eventually settled the case out of court. I think this case was important to the issue of psychological testing, specifically their use in the pre-employment screening process because even when outside consultants are used, businesses and corporations administering tests such as the ones in this case, seek personal information that in most cases is not relevant to the job being sought. Subsequently, the evaluations, depending on who is completing them may display bias toward potential employees for reasons that go against the rights afforded to us under the U. S. Constitution. References American Psychological Association. (n. d. ). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct: 2010 Amendments. Retrieved from http://www. apa. org/ethics/code/index. aspx American Psychological Association. (n. d. ). Soroka v. Dayton Hudson Corp. , dba Target Stores. Retrieved from http://www. apa. org/about/offices/ogc/amicus/soroka. aspx Hogan, T. P. (2007). Psychological testing: A practical introduction (2nd ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Saterfiel and Associates. (2003). Legality Issues Supporting the Use of Pre-Employment Testing. Retrieved from http://www. employment-testing. com/legality. htm